Did you know that a keyword you bid on Google can trigger up to 30,000 search terms?
Thirty... thousand... search terms!
It only makes sense to wonder how many of these search terms can bring you quality leads and how many of them actually end up being empty clicks.
And let's face it.
When you advertise on Google, it's absolutely normal to want the best possible return on your investment.
Which ultimately comes down to how many clients you get out of your ad spend.
But here is the thing:
If you want to get more clients from your investment - you typically need to get more leads from your ad spend...
... and in order to get more leads from your ad spend - you need to cut your Cost-Per-Lead...
... and in order to cut your Cost-Per-Lead - you need to force Google to spend your money on the most converting search terms...
... and in order for Google to allocate your budget to high-converting search terms - you need to stop them from wasting your money on keywords that never convert...
... and in order to stop wasting money on non-converting keywords - you need a monster negative keyword list...
... and in order to get your monster negative list you need 2 things: